2, ultrasonic generator, from the types of components used can be divided into electronic tube type thyristor and transistor type has been developed in recent years to use high power \u0026 ldquo ^ fen ^ power module \u0026 rdquo ^ fen ^ mode. The output power is from tens of watts up to several kilowatts, the ultrasonic generator for ultrasonic cleaners, operating frequency from 15kHz40kHzo
3, ultrasonic transducer, a cleaning machine with multiple transducers, generally composed of two piezoelectric ceramic wafers. A transducer bonded to the bottom of the cleaning cylinder via an adhesive and coupled in parallel to form a cleaning machine. The distance between the tra超声波清洗机价格nsducer elements is generally 5\u0026mdash;10mm for the frequency of 20kH4. It is too large to cause bending vibration, and the vibration plate is corroded, and the radiation surface is relatively reduced.