超声波清洗机表面活性剂选择原则简述_济南洁升超声波清洗机Most of the cleaning agents used in ultrasonic cleaners are liquid detergents, which are composed of surfactants, chelating agents, other auxiliaries, and oth......【点击详情】
简述超声波清洗机工作频率重要性介绍_济南洁升超声波清洗机Ultrasonic wave is a kind of mechanical wave whose oscillation frequency is higher than sound wave. It is caused by the oscillation of the transducer wafer un......【点击详情】
超声波清洗机不加热原因和解决方法简述_济南洁升超声波清洗机 Ultrasonic cleaning machine Sometimes there is a situation where the machine is not heated. The first thing is the following factors: 1. The heater power......【点击详情】
简述超声波清洗机熔焊的种类_济南洁升超声波清洗机Welding: Also known as welding or splicing, it is a manufacturing process and technique for joining metals or other thermoplastic materials such as plastics in a heated,......【点击详情】
超声波清洗机在提取当中的应用简单介绍_济南洁升超声波清洗机 The acquisition of traditional Chinese medicines has the disadvantages of large solvent consumption, long extraction time, high extraction temperature, lo......【点击详情】